The data above was extracted from Apple’s 2021 Financial Report. iPhones tend to be expensive because of their purchase price. However, even more expensive is the app subscriptions, as they add up to the total cost while you continue to use your iPhone. The good part is that you can also buy a family subscription, which can be availed by the selected or limited number of family members without any extra cost.  In this article, I will be talking about what does restore purchase mean on your iPhone. Also, I will answer a few questions at the end, so stay tuned until the end of the article. At Path of EX, you will find complete content for iPhones and other iOS devices.

What Does Restore Purchase Mean on iPhone? 

Restore Purchase means that you have purchased a subscription to Apple services and are trying to log in from a new device. Apple detects this new login and tries to ask if you have ever purchased a subscription. If you have purchased the subscription in the past, you can restore the same by choosing the Restore Purchase option without any extra cost. Also, The family subscription can work on multiple devices. However, to use it on a device from where it was not purchased or a family member’s device, you need to restore the purchase subscription on that device to continue using the family subscription.  Also, read What Does the Orange Dot Mean on iPhone | Read What Apple Says About It 

Does Restore Purchase on One iPhone Delete the Subscription from Other Devices?

In case you have purchased a family subscription, it will work on multiple devices. However, if you have purchased an individual subscription, you can use it only on a single device. 

Does Restore Purchase Mean Refund?

When you click on the Restore Purchase option, your subscription can be mapped or reinstated to your new device. Therefore, you can not avail refund by clicking this option.

Does Restore Purchase Deletes the Data?

Restoring purchases will only allow you to use your old subscription to access the apps on your iPhone.And it does not delete or remove or alter any data at all. Also, read What Does Green Text Mean on iPhone? Does iMessage App Need Internet? 

Is Restore Purchase Option Chargeable?

If you have purchased a subscription earlier and it is still valid, then Apple will not ask you to pay again.

Do Reset iPhone and Restore Purchase Mean the Same?

Reset iPhone means deleting all the data on your iPhone and resetting it to start it from the default settings.However.Restoring purchases will only restore the subscription purchase that you may have made in the past and is still valid.

What Does Restore Purchase Mean on iPhone?

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Wrapping Up

This takes us to the end of my answer to the query what does restore purchase mean on an iPhone? Apple uses multiple algorithms to identify whether you are using the same device or a different one for an old subscription. Therefore, in order to use your old subscription on a new device or a family member’s device, you must press the restore purchase option. If you have any query related to iOS devices or particularly your iPhone.You can look at our iPhone category and keep the following Path of EX.


What Does Restore Purchase Mean on iPhone   Know How Apple Subscription Works - 42What Does Restore Purchase Mean on iPhone   Know How Apple Subscription Works - 82What Does Restore Purchase Mean on iPhone   Know How Apple Subscription Works - 28What Does Restore Purchase Mean on iPhone   Know How Apple Subscription Works - 87